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My doTERRA Story Part 1: Introduction

My doTERRA Story Part 1: Introduction

My doTERRA Story Part 1: Introduction

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It Started With A Text Invite

Photo by Alex Ware on Unsplash

In October 2012 my best friend, Cassi, texted me one morning and asked if I would be interested in going with her to a girls’ night/essential oil class that night. I was intrigued because I had an experience with Tea Tree Oil as a teenager, but my red flags were waving high in my brain so I immediately put up a wall. I agreed to go with her because she’s my best friend and we all do crazy things for our friends. Or maybe just I do, but I don’t think I’m alone in that.

Tammy got up and introduced herself and why she was there teaching a class about essential oils. She told us that her infant daughter was constantly fussy. They tried so many things recommended by her daughter’s pediatrician and friends and family, but nothing was working to soothe her baby. She was finally given some samples of doTERRA essential oils, which helped soothe her daughter and helped improve the baby’s sleep and consequently Tammy’s as well.

What If?

After Tammy finished her story she went right into the basics of essential oils. At this point I had been there for about a half hour but I still held my fence up as high as I could keep it. Tammy went on to explain the benefits of some of the oils and oil blends specific to doTERRA, oils like Lavender, Peppermint, On Guard, Melaleuca, and Breathe. It wasn’t until she discussed and passed around Wild Orange for us to smell, that all my defenses shattered around me. I started to think, “what if this could help me?”

What if? Those two words are what opened my door to Tammy and her message. As the class went on, I started to get excited about the what ifs rolling around in my mind. I thought about the possibility of waking up in the morning and being happy to get out of bed instead of dreading it. I thought about the possibility of having energy so I wasn’t super tired ALL. THE. TIME. I thought about the possibility of sharing it with other people in similar mental circumstances as me and the benefits they could receive. So, I decided I would ask her for a sample to try it out. And try it out I did.

Enter Wild Orange

You see, I had been dealing with massive amounts of emotional and mental issues for years. I had been on antidepressants in the past, and those made me feel jittery, totally disinterested with everything, and I wanted to sleep all day. It was a weird combination of side effects that I did not like one bit. I could not feel anything beyond “blah.” After much trial and error with dosages and types I eventually decided to get off of all medication. I had decided that feeling, even bad things, was better than not feeling anything at all.

After Tammy’s class, I kept Wild Orange with me all the time and smelled it often. I loved how Wild Orange smelled and I still do, it’s one of my favorite smells. I finally found something that I loved to smell that wasn’t full of gross synthetic chemicals that made my head hurt. In the following days I noticed that my mood was lifting, albeit slightly, but it was the beginning of a journey I didn’t know was even possible. I started to get out of bed a little bit easier. I could accomplish just a couple more tasks in my day. And best of all I started questioning all the negative thoughts rolling around in my brain.

Back to Tammy’s class. Once her presentation about the oils was over she briefly mentioned the opportunity to do what she did to earn money. I thought, “teach classes about essential oils and make money? I’m in!” I was SO very in. I talked with her about it at the end of class. I was determined I would be successful, and decided that working towards Presidential Diamond was for me. Little did I know that my whole life would shift in a completely unexpected way.

After asking, well basically begging, my husband (now ex-husband) to let me buy an enrollment kit, he conceded after about 2 weeks. I went to Tammy’s house and ordered this kit. It’s a bit different now than when I got it. The kit included 10 glorious 15ml bottles of doTERRA’s most popular oils which now comes with a Petal Diffuser too!. If I had had the money I would have gotten the Diamond kit instead, because I knew in my heart that I discovered something great!

To read the next part of my doTERRA story, go here.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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