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Photo by Peter Fogden on Unsplash

Welcome to my website! I’m so glad you’re here. Creating this little corner of the internet has been a really long journey and a big project for me. This post is a little bit about me and why this website exists.


The last three years have been super crazy as I’ve gone to school. As a result, my house has been a mess 95% of the time and I haven’t had a regular sleep schedule because of night classes and early morning classes. The good thing about school, though, is my skills and my mind were expanded, which is the whole reason for going to school, right? I graduate soon and I’m so grateful for the support of my family as I tackled the slow arduous process of earning a Bachelor’s Degree. In the coming weeks I’ll post some of the work I’ve done and the progress I’ve made. Learning can be really hard, but also quite rewarding. I encourage everyone to keep learning throughout their life. I will keep sharing my learning experiences as I work towards and fight for the things I want.


I like to think I’m a pretty creative person because I love crafting and DIY projects. Especially those projects for things around my house or things I can wear. I want to build and create and discover new skills to learn. So, look for more posts on those fun crafty projects. After I graduate I’m planning on doing a new wardrobe series because I hate most of the clothes I have currently and part of the reason for that is I’ve finally (after 3 years) started to lose the baby weight from having my daughter so most of my clothes don’t fit anymore. Also, going shopping to get all the things I want is not currently in my budget.


Speaking of my budget, I hope that I can build an income to change my life. I don’t want to be stuck living paycheck to paycheck anymore. I want to earn a nice income so I can put my daughter in dance classes, take care of the dental work I need, and be able to afford food I’m not allergic to. Those are a few among other things that I need money for, because, honestly, there are so many things I want to do in my life and most of them cost money.

Work In Progress

I’m here to share my journey with you as I learn, grow, experience new things, create all sorts of stuff, and accomplish the things on my Master List. I want to share how I get from earning nothing (my husband makes all the money right now) to reaching my dreams and goals for income and everything else. Go check out my Master List. It’s a very long list that grows continuously even as I accomplish things on it.

In the coming weeks and months I’ll be adding lots of content, so check back often. Oh, and don’t forget to subscribe and follow me on Instagram @dianna_evolves or Pinterest @diannaevolves

Tell me, what is something from your list of dreams and goals that you’re working on right now or hope to start soon?

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