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It’s The Little Things

It’s The Little Things

It’s The Little Things

This post may contain affiliate links.

I’ve been in the throes of constant stress trying to survive the onslaught of school projects in the final few months of school. I’ve had a lot of depressing and boring days recently because I’m almost always constantly working on something. Today I took some time to go through some posts I wrote in June to see what I can publish in the coming days. I found one that I wrote on June 14th. The experience I had on that day was a wonderful reminder that I’m not alone and even strangers are kind and helpful. So here it is:

“Today has been a day. A pretty good one, even though it hasn’t gone according to plan. I was reminded that people are generally good people who want to help and do kind things, even if they are put out a little bit. So, this post is dedicated to the lady in the white truck who not only let me borrow her Costco card, but who saved the day with what happened next.

 A quick recap of my day:

I went to my dance class this morning, and since we were low on gas I decided to fill up the car at Costco on my way home so my husband wouldn’t have to do it on his way to the comic convention he had been planning to go to for weeks. Well, I got to Costco and after waiting in line I got out and realized I didn’t have my Costco card (my brother had it because he went grocery shopping for me the other day). Enter the emotion of embarrassment, but I pushed it aside and asked the lady in front of me if I could use her card. Which she thankfully let me borrow. I returned her card and waited for my tank to fill, then horror struck. My keys were locked in my car, and so was my phone. Awesome. So, again, I asked her if I could borrow her phone to call my husband, so he could bring me the spare keys. Again, she agreed and I made the quick call. I asked Robert to bring the keys, but told him he’d have to take Lyft or Uber since we only have the one car. Once I hung up, she told me that everything would be okay, which I was grateful for, and then she drove off.

I was so uncomfortable waiting by my car, I just couldn’t deal with other people’s judgement. I know people are in a hurry a lot, and when you get gas at Costco in the middle of the day on a Friday during summer break, you really don’t want to have wait longer because of someone’s mistakes, so I went to the little shack that the Costco employees do their work in when they aren’t helping customers make sure their cards are put in correctly, or whatever else we mortals need help with at the Costco pump. I told the employee on duty that I locked my keys in the car, and he asked if I wanted water. Normally I say no, but I’m practicing accepting help, plus it’s Las Vegas and it’s over 100 degrees, so I gratefully accepted the water. We talked and he told me about his wife and his 17-mo old twins. They are adorable, by the way. Then the other employee came on duty and I greeted him by telling him I locked my keys in the car. And I waited. And then my rescuer came, and it wasn’t my husband. It was the lady in the white truck in front of me who let me use her Costco card and phone!

Apparently after I used her phone and she left, she called my husband back and told him she would come get the keys and bring them to me. And she did. She took about 25 minutes out of her day to drive to my house, pick up my husband’s keys, and drive back to Costco to give them to me. I am so grateful for her and her service to me. She doesn’t know me or my circumstances, but she helped me anyway. She didn’t know that after getting gas I only had $109 in my account until the next payday which was 11 days later. And that if my husband were to take an Uber or Lyft, it would have cost us about $12. That’s not a lot, but it would have meant we would have to go without some groceries or half a tank of gas over the next 11 days.

I sent her a text message of thanks. Once this post is live I’ll send her the link, because I believe it is important to thank those who help us.”

So, I encourage all of you, my wonderful readers, to be of service to your fellow humans. It doesn’t matter who they are, what they look like, what they believe, or anything else. We are all just here trying to live the best we can. Life is HARD. We all make mistakes. And, the best part is, we can all make the world a better place by helping those in need. It’s the little things that can make a huge difference in someone’s life. It could be a quick text to someone you haven’t seen or talked to in a while. It could be a thoughtful gift or maybe a hug (I love hugs). It could even be 25 minutes out of the day to pick up some keys for someone who locked theirs in their car. Whatever it is that you are inspired to take action to do, do it! Don’t suppress the kindness that is inside you!

Oh, and I have discount codes for Lyft and Uber!

If you want to try using Lyft and you don’t have an account yet, create an account and use my code: diannaevolves before you take your first ride. Using my code gives you a small discount on your first ride and gives me a some Lyft credit!

If you want to try using Uber and you don’t have an account yet, create an account and use my code: diannaa553ue before you take your first ride.. Using my code gets you a free ride (the amount varies by location) and gives me some Uber credit!

Tell me about a time that someone came to your rescue or when you rescued someone else. I love these kinds of stories!

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